What is www.mywifiext.net?
The windows' web address is www.mywifiext.net . it's the local web address. And this may only be opened on the local IP address. once you deploy this web address, you'll make changes within the password and other settings of the extender. In case, if the extender over mywifiext.net isn't configured, then it can't access the extender. So confirm that extender should be configured. just in case you face any difficulties, you'll contact mywifiext experts. When you want to form some alterations within the extender's settings, you want to remember of WiFi extender. therein case, a web-based interface is deployed. once you are deploying Netgear WiFi extender, you'll know two separate mywifiext web addresses which are employed by the corporate . the primary address is for windows and therefore the second is for MAC computers. Steps for MyWifiext.net or mywifiext.local Setup For this, you've got to launch an internet browser of your site. Then you've go...